

    我们的 装箱单 是一个通用指南. Many students bring too much stuff! 计划换季 休息时的事情. The more you bring home for spring break, the less you'll 争相在五月收拾行李!

    准备好我们的 零废弃物入住! 九州娱乐官网致力于可持续发展,并鼓励学生和家庭 帮助. Little things add up to make a difference in an area known to be an ecological 想知道. 

    你的 residence hall room comes with an extra long twin bed and mattress, desk and 椅子,梳妆台,壁橱或衣柜,小书架或书架,顶灯. Rooms 有 tile floors and window blinds. In each hall, there is a laundry room with 洗衣机和烘干机. If possible, talk to your roommate when you are planning what 带. 然而, if you are unable to do so, pack possible double items in a way to make it easier to leave in the vehicle to go back home. Keep in mind that college-owned furniture may not be removed from your room. 

    与其从商店“借”一辆购物车,不如买一辆这样的车 的车. Residential Life suggests getting one that is folding and has durable wheels that can go over long str等hes of brick (we 有 a lot of brick walkways here!). 帮助搬入/搬出,洗衣(如果你的楼层有洗衣间),带 大量的东西,以活动(野餐在绿地或体育场附近,任何人?).可折叠车

    Don’t forget- candles that use a burning flame are not allowed nor is incense. 然而, there are so many alternatives now. Flameless candles that 有 flickering motion look incredibly real and create a realistic candlelit atmosphere in a room. 学生 也可以使用小彩灯——只是要确保灯泡不会变热,也不要放置任何东西 cloth or paper on or near them.

    If you are even mildly allergic to pollen, be aware that the Eastern Shore spring 是早期. We are surrounded by farm fields plus the lovely flowering trees and shrubs make for a heavy pollen season here. Fall pollen is just as bad as spring with 周围的庄稼. Even students who don’t normally 有 an issue experience allergy symptoms here for the first time in addition to the typical 成人 onset allergies. A small air purifier will help. Some may even find the need for a small 潮湿的ifier 在冬天的几个月里,如果冬天降温,大厅里的空气会变得非常干燥 are consistently below freezing. You can find oil diffusers that are also 潮湿的ifiers to also 有 a pleasant smelling room.

    插入式清新剂和油扩散器很好,但它们确实占用插头,所以要注意 of how  many electronics you are bringing and what would best suit your needs. 无论 you choose, these are also small items that need refills. 设置你的自动驾驶订单 and save the precious space in the room. Or 父母/Guardians, send periodic care packages with things like refills and other seasonal items.  当学生带来这些 提前打包的东西会被收起来(通常深埋在床底下) and forgotten about until May move out. Some items just don’t work well in small residence hall 房间, such as electronic tart warmers (spilled hot wax anyone?)

    在夏季,初秋和晚春,要知道,东海岸是非常非常 潮湿的. 我们被水包围着! It’s not uncommon to 有 a 90% 潮湿的ity level every day during those seasons. Some students find that having a small space de潮湿的ifier 当他们搬进来的时候,把它带回家,假期把它放在店里,然后再带回来,会有帮助吗 spring break to use in their room again. Rooms are small- you don’t need a big one but you do need to remember to empty it out daily.

    如果您携带处方药(特别是贵重物品),请携带护照 社会保障卡(如果你打算找工作的话),或者其他小的东西 valuable, strongly consider bringing a small safe. Some roll under the bed, some look 比如小橱柜. 只要适合你!

    有些贵重物品根本不应该进入大学——奶奶的戒指、贵重的珠宝、 爷爷的传家宝—— none of this should be in a residence hall. Rooms are small, things get broken, lost, if carelessly left out, stolen. 此外, students should never 有 large amounts of cash in their 房间 or wallets. 任何数量 over $100 is too much- use your bank!

    You don’t need the big coffee maker. No, really, it takes up too much space and is difficult to clean in a residence hall environment. Single serve coffee makers are efficient, small, easy to manage. Ones that use ground coffee (instead of k-cups) are cost efficient and sustainable. If you 有 to use one with k-cups, again, don’t stock up for the whole semester! That case is wasting valuable space in the room. Online shopping has eliminated the need to stock up for months.

    Swiffer like products 有 been a bonus for college students. 两个都拿来干的 cloth and wet cloths, which brings us to rugs.

    大的,房间大小的地毯(总是8x10)很难保持清洁,在这样的真空 a tight space, invariably are filthy by about December. 宿舍不是 the place for expensive or one of a kind rugs! The antique Persian rug needs to stay at home, safely away from spilled soda, ground in cookies, the inevitable mud 多雨的东海岸.

    使用多个 耐洗的 throw rugs are much more functional and sanitary. While your rug(s) is in the wash, 你可以扫地,然后用湿布快速拖地,这样就会很干净 地板和地毯. Rag rugs, cotton woven, even large bathroom rugs are all meant to be washed in the washing machine and are easy to maintain. 

    急救箱在房间里是必不可少的(如果带着车,一个专为急救箱设计的) 汽车也是).

    别忘了带手电筒和备用电池——每个人都会忘记的 一个手电筒! Power outages don’t happen often but when they do- it’s important to 有.

    如果你特别注重安全,更愿意投资于有用的长期投资, you can look at getting a hand crank weather radio/flashlight combo. 大多数人都有手机 还有充电器功能.